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Pick Module Storage Rack System Expedites Order Fulfillment, Saves Costs

Ridg-U-Rak’s cost-effective Pick Module Rack Storage Systems are designed for high volume order fulfillment and storage operations in distribution centers. Pallet loads are moved from pallet racks through the system before being broken into cartons and pieces where they are sent to pick areas for processing and shipment. There is a lift truck aisle on one side of the system and an order picking aisle on the opposite side where pickers remove the products.

Pick Module Systems feature a flow-through concept allowing distribution operations to be consolidated into one facility that handles all of the logistics and helps lower fulfillment costs. These systems may include push-back, gravity flow, selective pallet rack and other storage methods and conveyors to optimize product flow. Pick Modules provide the most efficient use of space and labor possible by utilizing every square inch of premium warehouse area cost-effectively and delivering an organized flow of products being ready for shipment to customers.                     

Other features and options include multi-level picking with mezzanines, various types of floors, conveyor equipment, multiple rack systems and others.

For more information, contact an authorized RIDG-U-RAK distributor, call the factory toll free 1-866-479-7225 or go online to


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